Simple Problem

Hi guys and girls,

So I have a simple problem related to list-style-type property. For some reason when I set a list-style-type to the list at the bottom of my page it does not apply. I’m assuming this is because another rule is over riding the setting but I can’t distinguish which.

Example below:


In your standard.css you have no selectors referring to the <ol> list in your footer, also you have your reset CSS been imported after the main CSS file. In order for your selectors to work correctly reset.css needs to be imported before standard.css.

Ah yes, I took it out as I was trying to work out why the selector was not working.

I should be able to put (keeping in mind I changed ol to ul)

.rightcol ul {
list-style-type: square;

Or not?

I didn’t know that you needed the reset.css to be imported first, thank you for letting me know.

Try this

.rightcol ul {
    list-style-type: square;
    margin-left: 42px;

Ace, thank you. I was thinking that the bullets may have been hidden originally. Thanks for your help mate.