Simple Site

New to building websites. Do you need to have some type of .htaccess file to secure it on a simple html site?

Not sure what you are asking here, but you don’t need anything in an htaccess file, per se. They are handy for various things, though.

I just uploaded a site and was wondering if I had to secure it’s files somehow.

No, not really. What do you mean by “secure”? Is there something in particular you want to do?

No I just don’t want anyone to be able to change anything.

No, normally no one can change your site unless you give them some kind of access. :slight_smile:

They can’t unless they can get access (legally or not) to your server :slight_smile:

I’d advise changing your file and directory permissions to read-only, for added security.

(I had a couple of sites hacked a few years back, and files were uploaded which I knew nothing about. With directory permissions set to read-only, even I can’t upload to those folders, unless I remember to change them first. Which, of course, I always do. :shifty:)