Simple slideshow question

i used this code for a slideshow

and it works great. snook.cs uses this code:

<div class="fadein">
  <img src="">
  <img src="">
  <img src="">

    $('.fadein img:gt(0)').hide();
      $('.fadein :first-child').fadeOut()

worked great!

then i wanted to overlay text on the img. so i wanted the slideshow to transition over divs with imgs inside. so i thought all i had to do is change the html and js to the below example, but it blew up on screen. What did i miss?

<div class="fadein">
       <img src="">
        <img src="">

    $('.fadein div:gt(0)').hide();
      $('.fadein :first-child').fadeOut()

Hm, the script is creating extra, empty div elements that it then scrolls through. I don’t know enough jQuery to fix that (though I tried a few experiments). In lieu of someone fixing that for you, a CSS alternative might be to put the text to be displayed in the title attribute and then display the title over the top of the image using something like

img:after {
   content: attr(title);
   position: absolute;

The image would need position: relative; and the above can be extended to color the text, position it etc.


Actually, just tried using content: attr(title) on the images and discovered it didn’t work, as it’s not designed to work on replaced elements like images. Bummer.

thanks for doing your own tests!

Yeah that’s what i meant by ‘it blew up on screen’.

it’s such a simple script. i must be over thinking the problem…