Simple User Online?

Hello Sitepoint members,

I’ve just learnt PHP few days ago, but now I’m on eProject. And I finished everything, but now I want to display how many users are visiting site.

So what should I do for now?

I’ve searched in Google, and try some codes but they’re not working :frowning:

Please give me advice.

Thanks & Regards.

You could very well create a home grown analytics solution. However, a more cost efficient and practical option is to use an analytics service. One of the most popular ones around is Google Analytics.

Oops, I think you’ve a misunderstand. I mean I want to know how to create a module that display how many users are currently online in the website. Not a tracking analytics… :slight_smile:

Do you mean you want to create a script for yourself, or do you simply want a script that performs your requirements? If so, there’s a free script here

Thanks to 2ndmouse, that’s exactly what I’m looking for!

I’ve been stucked with this !#$~&^%$#!!! for two months :frowning:

Thanks you once again :smiley: