Simplify jquery hover call

Hi, how can I simplify the following call to prevent re-writing this for pop3, pop4, pop5, etc. etc.

                  $('a.pop1').hover(function(e) {
                      this.title = '';
                      }, function() {
                          this.title = 'Information';

                  $('a.pop1').mousemove(function(e) {
                      $("div#pop1").css('top', e.pageY + moveDown).css('left', e.pageX + moveLeft);

                  $('a.pop2').hover(function(e) {
                      this.title = '';
                      }, function() {
                          this.title = 'Information';

                  $('a.pop2').mousemove(function(e) {
                      $("div#pop2").css('top', e.pageY + moveDown).css('left', e.pageX + moveLeft);


Use the attribute starts with selector to select your anchor tags.

  $('div#' + this.className').show();
  this.title = '';
}, function () {
  $('div#' + this.className').hide();
  this.title = 'Information';

Something like this should work (untested).