Simply rails 2 help please! Test is failing. Chapter 9


My tests are failing, and I’ve double checked the code archive and I can’t find the fault. Please help.

I’m on Chapter 9 page 347 and I’m supposed to run the final test and it should work, but I went wrong somewhere. This is the error the console gives me…

Finished in 1.484 seconds.

  1) Failure:
test_should_show_user(UsersControllerTest) [/test/functional/users_controller_test.rb:6]:
Expected response to be a <:succes>, but was <200>

32 tests, 71 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
D:/InstantRails/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "D:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/ge
Errors running test:functionals!

This is what my users_controller_test looks like…(okey, it’s only the one that failed, not the whole file)

class UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  def test_should_show_user
    get :show, :id => users(:mj)
	assert_response :succes
	assert_template 'show'
	assert_equal users(:mj), assigns(:user)

This is my users.yml file…

  login: mj
  password: sekrit
  name: MJ Meyer
  email: "This is blank to avoid spam from forums as I used my actual email addy"

  login: john
  password: gh752px
  name: John Doe

I’m not sure what other files I could/should provide. Please advise if there are any other files wherein the problem could be occurring.

I also checked my controller files as well as my show files to make sure the code is correct. I could not find any differences.

Please help!

Ah f***… Sorry… This was an ID10T error!! LOL!