Site showing beyond width limit tablet/mobile

There is this site that if you view it on a mobile device, you’re able to drag the page to the let and there’s this huge, open, gap. I’m not able to figure out what’s causing this. Based on Browserstack’s findings (maybe it’s a bug?), this tends to cause (on the home page with iPhone 6/6+) device to lose the mobile menu (which should be on the top right).

Is someone able to see what’s causing the width to expand beyond the viewport’s size? or is this a bug?

Just a sample:

Thank you.

Not what you were asking but on my desktop system (Firefox 40) Help and support appears underneath (not below) About and happenings, and the name overlaps Programs.

You might find it helpful to validate the site.

You may have viewed the site when I switched to mobile/tablet/desktop templates. I would recommend looking at it with an actual device.

There are still some validation errors.

Yes @Gandalf is right there might be some validation errors, please correct those, dose this happens on the horizontal view too… is still experimental (from what I understand) when reviewing HTML5/CSS3 sites. So then how am I supposed to know what’s valid and what’s not?

As far as it’s concerned, there are no errors.

Well since I’m not seeing any validation errors, and this seems to be affect ONLY on the home page and none of the internal pages, does anyone else have any suggestions on what’s causing it?

You didn’t run the page through jigsaw

*don’t panic, most are warnings (eg. vendor prefixes) only 148 are errors

Yeah! That’s not intimidating.

Plus, I wouldn’t know what to look for since the validator finds nearly everything CSS3 wrong.

Stuff like this never makes sense:

7299 .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus
attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it

There is no need for a semi-colon. There is already one there.

Well I still haven’t been able to find the culprit to my problem. It looks abnormal here, but not here.

Have you been able to figure out the culprit to this? I still can’t for the life of me figure it out.

I figured it out. It was caused by the animation I was using. The animation that I wanted to slide objects from the right was causing the screen to widen.

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