Slide show black retangles with fade problem

I’m trying to create a slide show using the script here:
Here’s my page.
The problem is in IE (I’m testing this in IE7) there is a small black rectangle that displays in the fade. (I’ve tested this in Opera, Safari and Chrome. It works in all. I also tested it using an IE tester []. Only 8 and 6 versions work correctly.) I can see on the dynamic drive page the slide show works correctly.
I’ve tried changing the “background=‘black’” in the .js in a variety of places to transparent and tried to put an image, a transparent .png, in place of the background. No success with either one.
What am I doing wrong?
thanks for the help.

Any thoughts about this question?
help please…
thank you

Have a look at the resources from this search:

ie7 png fade

thanks for getting back to me.
That search looks like a good place to start.

I went through a lot of the info from the search suggested and ended up going back to…nslideshow.htm. . Seeing as how it was the third item to come up, I decided to go back to there (since that slide show worked there) and figure out exactly what I was doing wrong.
My solution was to change dimensions for the images in this line:“dimensions: [151, 100], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of largest image”. The height I used for the images I created was 95px. The combination of those two values – 95 and 100 – seems to be working really well. (If anyone sees problems, please do let me know.) The other change I made was in the js file. All the “background:'black;” items, I changed from “black” to "transparent.