Slide show for website?

My client wants some sort of slide show of before and after photos of the homes they worked on. I would do it in Flash but not this time.
Can anyone recommend a clean free way of doing a slide show that would work on their website?
Thank you.

Need Slide Show For Website

Something like Highslide? There are multiple different ways to configure it.want.

the best free one and easy to implement is

Having someone photosop the seperate “before” and “after” shots into series a single combined (wider) images would really help. Especially if they also make them all the same rectangular length and width…

There are so many slideshow scripts already written, each with their own functionality, that it would help o have some parameters for what’s expected/wanted. Sliding, fading, popup, various transitions …

I personally don’t think flash slide shows are the way to go anymore. They bog down performance and tend to be not as smooth as HTML5/jQuery.
Look for a jQuery slide show script. Here is an example that I always use:

There are plenty of other tutorials to try too. You just gotta choose the right type for your site.

Thank you all for your replies.

I always code my own these days because the js is dead simple and css transitions save the day.
It allows me to completely customise transitions for different components(e.g. fade image, title coming down from the top, description up from the bottom) on each slide and isn’t too much code really.