Slideshow Onload Issue

Hey All!

I built a slideshow using jQuery Elixon Theatre and am having trouble with how it initializes across different browsers. For example, the images might zoom in and freeze momentarily in Chrome as it initializes or load over-sized and disproportionately in Safari but corrects itself after a few seconds. Is there any way to have it load and initialize properly across different browsers?

Thanks, Sean

Do you have a link to your page so we could take a look at it?


I do!

Thanks Michael

Did that link work for you?


Don’t hold me to this but try encompassing your javascript call in the following

$(document).ready( function(){
 // Javascript stuff here...

This would stop the jquery actioning before the page is fully loaded.

Let me know if it helps.

If you move the script to just before the </body> tag (which is where JavaScript belongs so that it doesn’t slow the loading of the page) then you may be able to get rid of the code that tests if the page has loaded because at that point you know it already has.

It is just before the closing body tag isn’t it?

Well if it is there then why are you worrying about onload or ready. Just run the code straight away as tat that point the page has already loaded.

Well adding the check appeared to fix the issue. But the OP hasn’t tried it out yet.

I just moved it all down there but it doesn’t seem to be getting rid of the zoom and other onload issues. Thanks felgall for the pointer though!