Smooth scrolling and under header

I have tested scrolloing script like:

jQuery(‘html, body’).stop().animate({ ‘scrollTop’: $target.offset().top - 80}, 1000, ‘easeInOutExpo’);

Is there example possible to test correct way? Need help.

They have a bunch of demos in the “Demo” folder:

Yes I understand. I have seen but this example is not there if I understand. Can you post reply to my specific question? Need help. Your example as demo is one year old…

Sure, but I don’t really understand what your question is.
Could you maybe rephrase it?

It seems that top link like:

<li><a href="#scrollTo_p4">p4</a></li> 

will not detect offset: -80 but bottom SUB nav will work in the correct position.

offset: -80 work when I click on sub nav.
offset: -80 will not work when I click on top links like

<li><a href="#ScrollTo_p4">p4</a></li>.

Could you provide a code sample of this not working?
I’m still having trouble understanding what you mean.

Please find scroll code:

     scrollTarget: link.hash,
     offset: -80

Sorry, I meant a working sample that demonstrates the problem you are having.

Sorry, not possible.

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