
I have a WSDL I’m trying to consume, but it errors out with:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] Schema Validation processing failed in C:\www\Engage\soap\consumeWSAPI.php:11 Stack trace: #0 C:\www\Engage\soap\consumeWSAPI.php(11): SoapClient->__soapCall(‘Login’, Array) #1 C:\www\Engage\soap\consumeWSAPI.php(24): comsumewsdl->dorequest() #2 {main} thrown in C:\www\Engage\soap\consumeWSAPI.php on line 11

I belive I’m missing out on Schema Validation, but not sure how to do that. I’d really really appriciate any input in here.

So here is the WSDL:

and this is my php login request


class comsumewsdl {
public $username="xxxxxx";
public $password="xxxxx";

public function dorequest(){

$client = new SoapClient(""); 
$response = $client->__soapCall("Login", array("USERNAME"=>$this->username, "PASSWORD"=>$this->password));
try {     
		echo "<pre>\
		echo htmlentities ($response); 
		echo "\
	catch (SoapFault $exception) {     
			echo $exception;         

$callclass  = new comsumewsdl();

i’ve still had no joy in getting this to work. anyone else whos maybe done this before or know how to?

thanks oddz i will give that a try.

Although their API doc is saying that a login request should complay to this schema:

Namespace: SilverpopApi:EngageService.SessionMgmt.Login
Schema: SessionMgmt1.xsd

But I’m not sure how I can ensure that my API request complies with that?

same exception. removing this line of code

 $client = new SoapClient(null, array(       "location" => "",       "uri"      => "",       "trace"    => 1 )); 


General Exception: Schema Validation processing failed


Try loading the schema into a dom document and checking if its actually valid xml. I had a similar problem with UPS wsdl. It turned out the schema was actually invalid. The solution was to use a restful cURL instead sadly.


The exception then, is thrown by the Login method call, I would think if the Schema was invalid, it would throw one upon instantiation of the client. :confused:

Can you call another method? Do you receive a different exception (probably auth related)?

Hey Anthony,

I get the same error back, but only better formated lol:

->General Exception: Schema Validation processing failed

anyways i think i’m missing somethin in the validation.

i notice in the swdl right at the top this schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
- <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="SilverpopApi:Engageservice" xmlns:tns1="SilverpopApi:EngageService.SessionMgmt.Login" 
- <wsdl:types>
- <xsd:schema>
  <xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.SessionMgmt.Login" schemaLocation="/SoapApi/_resources_/xsd/SessionMgmt1.xsd" /> 
  <xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.SessionHeader" schemaLocation="/SoapApi/_resources_/xsd/SessionHeader1.xsd" /> 
  <xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.MailManagement" schemaLocation="/SoapApi/_resources_/xsd/MailMgmt2.xsd" /> 
  <xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.ListMgmt.RecipientActions" schemaLocation="/SoapApi/_resources_/xsd/ListMgmt2.xsd" /> 
  <xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.ListMgmt.UserActions" schemaLocation="/SoapApi/_resources_/xsd/ListMgmt-UserActions.xsd" /> 
  <xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.Reporting" schemaLocation="/SoapApi/_resources_/xsd/Reporting1.xsd" /> 
  <xsd:import namespace="SilverpopApi:EngageService.MailManagement.UserActions" schemaLocation="/SoapApi/_resources_/xsd/MailMgmt-

so i added this line to my original code:

$client = new SoapClient(null, array(
      "location" => "",
      "uri"      => "", 
      "trace"    => 1 ));

and it now returns with:

->SoapFault exception: [VersionMismatch] Wrong Version in

ohh man i’m slowly, but surley soaping out here :slight_smile:

What do you get with this?

class SilverPopServiceException extends Exception{}

class SilverPopService
    protected $client;
    public function __construct($wsdl){
            $this->client = new SoapClient($wsdl);
        }catch(Exception $exception){
            throw new SilverPopServiceException('Cannot create soap client: ' . $exception->getMessage());
    public function login($username, $password){
        return $this->client->Login($username, $password);

    $service = new SilverPopService('');
        $result = $service->login('username', 'password')
}catch(SilverPopServiceException $exception){
    echo 'Service Exception: ', $exception->getMessage();
}catch(Exception $exception){
    echo 'General Exception: ', $exception->getMessage();

strange when i do this:

echo $client->__getLastRequest();

it only echos out my password and nothing else, should it not echo out my entie soap envelop?

how do i check what saop format i’m sending over?


ok i installed soapUI and it generates the envelope for you to send your requests. and this time it worked, so the envelope needs to look like this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=“” xmlns:sil=“SilverpopApi:EngageService.SessionMgmt.Login”>

but how do I format my php to look like above?


class comsumewsdl {
public $username="xxxx";
public $password="xxxx";
public $parameters;

public function dorequest(){

//$client = new SoapClient("", array('trace' => 1));

$client = new SoapClient(null, array(
									 "location" => "",
									 "uri"      => "",
									 "sil" => "SilverpopApi:EngageService.SessionMgmt.Login",
									 "trace"    => 1 )

$this->parameters = array('USERNAME'=>$this->username, 'PASSWORD'=>$this->password);

try { 
		$response = $client->__soapCall("Login", $this->parameters);
		echo "<pre>\
		echo htmlentities ($response); 
		echo "\
	catch(Exception $exception){
		echo $client->__getLastRequest();
		echo 'General Exception: ', $exception->getMessage();


$callclass  = new comsumewsdl();

i think i need to be looking at soapVar and SoapHeader, but I just cannot get this to work. Anyone plz?

ok so,
this is how the xml should look like:

&lt;soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
&lt;log:PASSWORD userpassword&lt;/log:PASSWORD&gt;

so am i doing anything different in my php?