Social bookmarking or Social networks?

Which of these websites ( Social bookmarking or Social network) was better for driving traffic to your website as you experienced?

If you’re up to traffic, both can be generate traffic to your site depends on how you tap it to your friends and also to their list of friend in their accounts.

For traffic I go for social bookmarking, but finding prospects for my product, asking for opinions/ideas about my product and product promotion, I go for social networking.

both are equally useful but social bookmarking sites are more convenient in use.

what a useless piece of garbage that article is

Direct Advertising: This is just a way for you to anon acquaint your followers about a assertive artefact or service.

“anon acquaint” “a assertive artefact” – sounds like you had your article spinner set to find words that start with “a”

You are right but on the other hand, Social Bookmarkings gives high backlinks than Social Networking sites. :nono:

Right but Social Bookmarking sites give backlinks and Traffic. :cool:

No offense, but have you tried using these sites for their intended purpose (i.e. which is not driving traffic to your website), and then, maybe, you get quality traffic in the end?

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I use both of them for my site. Social networking sites can bring traffic to your site more stable than bookmarking sites.

For seo purposes you want do-follow sites. If you can figure a way to tap into facebook to create leads/traffic amongst your friends and their friends, it is a good way for direct traffic.

social network has given trementeous traffic to my site.

For linking purposes, I prefer social bookmarking. For actual $$, social networking like facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc, makes a lot of sense. Keep in mind your market, though. Products for seniors probably won’t work well on Facebook or Twitter, for example.

Don’t forget to keep testing, too, by changing ads and copy, and then monitoring your results.

yes. this depends on the strategy you are adopting and what is your product. It can do wonders for your business if use properly.

Why to choose if we have the rights to use both? I apologize, I just don’t see the point in comparing these 2.

social networking will bring traffic, but you have to do more than sign up for an account, if you want consistent traffic you have to work the “network” part of the equation. make friends, and keep posting relevant articles, links…etc. Just don’t become a spam noob.
I have tried SB and it brought some traffic but it was not a ton, of course I didn’t work it it was sporadic… so my effort = results. I just found it harder to use SB as a tool to drive traffic

I guess it would depend on how your going to use the site for and as well as the niche of your own site… however, social networks like FB and twitter are easier to use if you targeted well your potential audience… but using both social networks and social bookmarking will definitely give you more advantage in many points rather than choose one…

Social networking sites gives a lot of traffic to your website where as a social bookmarking is good in providing backlinks.

Social network brought more traffic to my website and i recommand it because there are more people who want to stay in touch with the others more then to use social bookmark.

Only if you defined your goals,else ,they are just time killers.

social book marking is a best and easy way to drive more traffic to your site