Socket Mail - Out of business!

Anyone using SocketMail? I just sent an email to sales and support and the mail comes back that says mail box is full.

I think they have bit the dust. The reason I am posting this is because there is an exploit that allows spammers access to send email from that system…

If anyone knows anything differant about Socket Mail please let me know.

I agree that socketmail has abused us by having us bought theire script, then desapear without notice with our client account and have our socketmail web site hacked.
I am sure the vendor is using all our secret info to have our site hacked cause it happened all the time in order to pay them more money to manage our site .
Socketmail vendor used to say to me that my site did not work cause it was badly installed but he forgot he was the one who installed it for me!!!.
Also as they know your ip and license number they block yuor site pretending is a bad script configuration and want to get payed in order to get your site back together.
Now the socketmail Shivam Parikh desappeared and I am still waiting for my client admin access in order to upgrade my script.
What can I do, refer this internet fraudulent vendor to ecop?
If yo have similar experience please get back to me,
I am preparing a complain to for the right fraud internet authorities,

I would like to know the answer to this as well?

I hate them. Not only their support was awfull, but now they been out of reach for few months…had to take the whole email system down…

But what is the alternative?

@mail look ok but expensive?

Would be nice if they opensourced socketmail.

I am readly to pay money, but do not know any alternative. Hivemail maybe…not sure…

look good but not cheap

again not cheap

Seems there is life in socketmail but i would be reluctant to use it without knowing what is happening with them?

FEBRUARY 29, 2008 Version 2.3.0 now available. Includes bug fixes and security update. This version includes 2Checkout support and POP3/Outgoing-SMTP daemon for Lite and Pro.

I would really careful, they disappeared for months and our installation was hacked and spammers almost put us out of business. It was the worst event I have ever been through on the internet. One that I still am trying to repair with ISP’s that get our email.

When offering free email or paid email accounts the lessons I learned were:

1 - Use another domain and another IP just in case spammers hack the site
2. - Only use professional systems that cost a fotune

looking at their site it seems they are back in business!