Some how-to-do questions with Symfony

I appreciate your advices to have best practice for issues below:

  1. I want to have a startup script that reads some settings from db and assign them to constants that would be globally available within symfony controllers, having a separate doctrine bootstrap file like this is good idea for that startup script, alongwith the doctrine settings in /app/config/config.php? If bad idea and better to use only one doctrine settings (e.g. the one in /app/config/config.php) and avoid having a separate doctrine bootstrap file at the same time, how should that startup script be as this is not a symfony controller and must be run at the startup?

  2. How to have a paginator with symfony? Is it good that I define a separate router (e.g. /page/{id}) to pass page number to a particular controller method and also set ‘/’ controller to list only first page? (I mean both ‘/’ of indexAction and ‘/page/1’ shows the same thing.) or how is better?

  3. I don’t want to use the symfony’s security service, I use zf2 Authentication, and I have a function at the start of scripts to check whether sessions are set, if no, redirect them to login page, is it good to add that function at the start of symfony controller scripts? or how is better?

Any advices to above yet please? I appreciate it.
someone please?
@Jeff_Mott @scoolnico @swader

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