Sort to database and store(add) of top(add id 1 no end id, add frist row no end row)

for sort to database and store(add) of top(add id 1 no end id, add frist row no end row) no of bottom on rows. how is it?

Can you repose the question please? Your current explanation makes no sense; at least to me.

Maybe you could write the question in your native tongue (I’m assuming it’s not English) and ask Google Translate to translate it for you?

I want in the database, new information to be exposed in the first row. Normally placed in the bottom rows.(Sort by DESC)

Can I ask why?

I want the newest entry in the first site to show and so on down. of new to the old

Is there a reason then that you’re not using ORDER BY in your query?

SELECT id, title FROM post ORDER BY id DESC;