Sorting for loop values


Can somebody advise how can I sort the output of $v as we required (numbers ascending and descending)

	  if ($_POST['sort'] == '1D')
	  // asort($sort_id);
	  foreach ($sort_id as $v){
 	  $cooo = "SELECT count(number) AS total FROM doc WHERE time BETWEEN $date2 AND $date3";
	  $com = "$a"."$b"."$c"."$a8"."$d"."$e"."$f"."$g"."$h"."$i"."$j"."$k";
	  $com3 = "$a8"."$d"."$e"."$f";
	  $sql = mysql_query($cooo.$com)or die (mysql_error());

        <tr valign="top">
          <td align="left" bordercolor="#999999" ><? echo "$ii"; ?></td>
          <td align="left" ><div align="center"><strong><? echo "$v"; ?></strong></div></td>


Try this:

 $cooo = "
               SELECT count(number) AS total 
               FROM doc 
               WHERE time BETWEEN $date2 AND $date3 
               ORDER BY total
               LIMIT 0,10;

// if that does not work then the data may have to be sorted so include these lines:

  // your statement 
  $sql = mysql_query($cooo.$com)or die (mysql_error());

  // new temporary code
  $sd2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
  echo '<pre>';
  echo '</pre>';

Post the results and I will try and sort your data.


Two ways for sorting in your case:
1> using mysql: ORDER BY field ASC|DESC
2> if array is obtained as result then you can apply PHP’s array sorting functions like:
sort, asort, arsort, uasort, uksort etc.