Span tag

I can’t get my span tag to take my styles


<!–beginning news –>
<div id=“news” class=“news”><h3>News</h3>
<p><span>»</span> Campbell & Sons lawncare launch new website</p>
<p><span>»</span>Campbell & Sons lawncare celebrates 15 years in business</p>

<!–end news –>

span {
color: #ff611a;
font-size: 24px;

It seems to be working:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
span {
    color: #ff611a;
    font-size: 24px;
<div id="news" class="news">
    <p><span>&raquo;</span> Campbell &amp; Sons lawncare launch new website</p>
    <p><span>&raquo;</span>Campbell &amp; Sons lawncare celebrates 15 years in business</p>

The problem must lie elsewhere.

It’s either specificity, typo or bug but we will need a working demo of the problem to give further advice.:slight_smile:

what you need to look for are other rules with span on it ( or even rules with “*”)

anything similar to :

p span {
color: some color
font-size: some size;

news span {
color: some color
font-size: some size;
.news span {
color: some color
font-size: some size;


also if you had anything like

p * { rules:rules…}
.news *{rules…}
it would affect your span as well

BTW, why do you have a class “news” and an an ID “news”? chances are you could amalgamate your rules in news and get rid of class news… but one would have to know what you intend to do do to be certain.