Spicing Up the Bootstrap Carousel with CSS3 Animations


thanks for your reply. Sorry that I cannot provide a link as I’m testing local.

What I want to achieve is the following:

When a user clicks on a menu item, I don’t want to carry him directly to the new page. Instead I want to make the respective slide be visible. There, the user gets the principal information about the item and from there he can go to the page digging into deeper information by clicking a button on that slide.

I achieved the first issue (changing the slide by clicking on the menu item) like so:

<li><a href="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="1">About</a></li>

And this works fine.

But when I try to give the button on this slide - which brings the user to the “About” page - an a href, that doesn’t work.
It is strange as it is a simple anchor for the button, and as a button actually brings you to another information by using any kind of anchor anyway.

That’s why I asked if the code for the “spiced” carousel frustates the button functionality.

I’m using also the scrollspy functionality as the website has a one-page design. So maybe the problem lies there.

I know that my question isn’t really about “Spicing Up the Bootstrap Carousel with CSS3 Animations”-topic. But maybe you have an idea.

Thank you for the animations on the bootstrap carousel anyway.

Regards, Pete