Split number string and get required numbers


I have text with numbers.

I want to read text ,find numbers and get required numbers from string.

For example.

“my description has 123456789 numbers”.

I want to get first four numbers from above message using php.

$string = ‘my description has 123456789 numbers’;
$number = preg_replace(“/[^0-9]/”, ‘’, $string); // return 123456789

I mean I need 1234 from above string.

Any idea?


Yep, put a limit match on it.

$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers'; 
$number = preg_replace("/[^0-9]{1,4}/", '', $string); // return 1234


I am getting out as 123456789 instead 1234.

$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers';
$number = preg_replace("/[^0-9]{1,4}/", '', $string); // return 1234

echo"<br>".$string; // my description has 123456789 numbers
echo"<br>".$number; // 123456789

Could please check at your end.


Sigh, sorry, I missed the fact you were using preg_replace instead of preg_match.

$matches = [];
$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers';

if (preg_match("/[0-9]{4}/", $string, $matches)) // find only numbers and collect the first group of 4 numbers
	var_dump($matches); // if a match of 4 numbers is found, dump the matches array so you can see you can access it using $matches[0]


I try your solution and it gives me result but it remove message.

Do you have any idea about how to cut number from message.

I want to cut 123456789 to 1234 and keep rest of message as it is.


function countDigits($str)
    	$NumberArray = array();
		for ($i=0;$i<strlen($message);$i++) {
			if (is_numeric($message($i))) {
			//return $noDigits;

function sanitize_message($message,$email = true, $numbers = true, $url = true )
		//$message = strip_tags( $message );
			//strip email address
			$email_regexp = "[_A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,3})";
			$message = ereg_replace($email_regexp, '', $message);
			if (preg_match("/[0-9]{4}/", $message, $matches)) // find only numbers and collect the first group of 4 numbers
				var_dump($matches); // if a match of 4 numbers is found, dump the matches array so you can see you can access it using $matches[0]
			//echo count($numbers);	
			//strip all numerical values
			$number_regexp = "[0-9]";
			$message = ereg_replace($number_regexp,'',$message);
		//eliminate url from message
			$url_regexp = "(https?://)?(www\\.)?([a-zA-z0-9\\.])*[a-zA-Z0-9]*\\.[a-z]{2,3}";
			$message = ereg_replace($url_regexp, '', $message);
		//eliminate all the bad words
		$bad_words = array("f**k", "son of a b***h");
		$message = str_ireplace($bad_words, '', $message);
		//eliminate all the email words
		$email_words = array("skype", ".net", ".com", "org", "biz", "@", "yahoo.com", "gmail", "hotmail", "mail", "e-mail", "msn", "dot","net","com",".org",
							 ".org",".facebook","facebook","Gmail.com","Ymail.com", "Hotmail.com", "AOL.com ","Easy.com","Sky.com",
							 "AEmail4u.com", "Caramail", "Care2.com",
							 "Catholic Online", "CentralPets", "Computermail", "DC Email", "Ecology Fund", "E-Mail Anywhere", "EasyPeasy", "Eboxmail.net",
							 "EmailAccount", "EmailAccounts4Free", "EmailChoice", "Emailyou", "EmailX.net", "Eudora Web Mail","Everyone.net","Execs2K",
							 "FastMail", "FasterMail", "FirstName.com","FlashMail","Fresno Mail","Garfield","Gawab","Glay.org", "GMail", "GMX", "Go.com",
							 "Go2Now", "GotGeekMail", "Graffiti.net", "Hello Kitty","HushMail","InBox.com", "JoinMe","JoyMail","JungleMate","Killer",
							 "KuKaMail","Lycos.com", "Mail.com", "Mail2World", "MailCity", "Maktoob","MeowMail", "MyOwnEmail", "MyPersonalEmail", "MyPlace",
							 "MyRealBox", "MyWay","Netscape Mail","NoPeddlers.com","NZ11.com", "OperaMail","OutGun","ParsMail","Rediff Mail", "SiteWarp",
							 "Snowboard","Surfy.net","SwissMail","UltimateEmail", "Unlimited Mail","Yahoo",".net"," at "," co "," com "," net ",
							 " org "," biz "," gmail "," yahoo "," hotmail "," mail "," e-mail "," msn "," dot "," ymail "," hotmail.com "," Easy "," Sky "
							 ," AEmail4u "," Caramail "," FirstName "," FlashMail "," Rediff "," Everyone "," JoinMe "," JoyMail "," JungleMate
							 "," Go "," Killer
							 "," KuKaMail "," NoPeddlers "," aol "," Care2 " ," Eboxmail "," InBox "," Maktoob "," skype "," com "," aol "," aol
							 "," facebook "," HushMail
							 "," webmail ",".webmail","webmail"
							 ," yahoo "," Maktoob "," www  " ,"www"," aol "," aol "," aol "," aol "," aol "," aol "," aol "," aol "," aol "," aol "," aol
							 "," aol "," aol "," aol ");
		$message = str_ireplace($email_words, ' ', $message);
		//echo"<br>Count Numbers=>".$numberCount = countDigits($message)."<br/>";
		//echo"<br>Count Numbers=>".$numberCount2 = countDigits2($message)."<br/>";
		//print count(array_filter(str_split($message),'is_numeric'));
		return $message;

Hi User,

Mobile number => 123456789

Mobile number => 987654321


echo"<br>".$Test2 = sanitize_message($MyMessage)."<br>";
echo"<br>".$Test3 = countDigits($MyMessage)."<br>";


Any Idea?


So you want to take

$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers';

And turn it into?

$string = 'my description has 1234 numbers';

And a follow up question, what would you do if you have to sets of numbers in the string?

$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers and 987654321 in it'; 

Would you expect

$string = 'my description has 1234 numbers and 9876 in it'; 


$string = 'my description has 1234 numbers and 987654321 in it'; 

Kind of a “rushed” solution and I’m sure there is a more elegant one, but it looks to get the job done.

$matches = [];
$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers';

if (preg_match("|[0-9]+|", $string, $matches))
	$newString = preg_replace("|" . preg_quote($matches[0]) . "|", substr($matches[0], 0, 4), $string);
	var_dump($newString); // 'my description has 1234 numbers'

$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers and 987654321 in it';

if (preg_match("|[0-9]+|", $string, $matches))
	$newString = preg_replace("|" . preg_quote($matches[0]) . "|", substr($matches[0], 0, 4), $string);
	var_dump($newString); // 'my description has 1234 numbers and 987654321 in it'

$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers and 987654321 in it';

if (preg_match_all("|[0-9]+|", $string, $matches))
	$newString = $string;
	foreach ($matches[0] as $match)
		$newString = preg_replace("|" . preg_quote($match) . "|", substr($match, 0, 4), $newString);
	var_dump($newString); // 'my description has 1234 numbers and 9876 in it'

Many Many thanks cpradio .

You are excellent programmer.


$string = 'my description has 123456789 numbers and 987654321 in it';

if (preg_match("|[0-9]+|", $string, $matches))
    $newString = preg_replace("|" . preg_quote($matches[0]) . "|", substr($matches[0], 0, 4), $string[COLOR="#FF0000"],1[/COLOR]);
    var_dump($newString); // 'my description has 1234 numbers and 987654321 in it'

Needed a slight tweak to prevent recurrance. (“My description has 12345 numbers and 12345 points!” => “My description has 1234 numbers and 12345 points!”)