SQL Data in Calendar Format

Hey there!

I am attempting to retrieve data from a MySQL Database and display that data in calendar format for a work rosta. There are, however, two problems…

  1. The data that I am retrieving needs to be split into two groups -
    group a) All data where a specific column (date) is before a set date
    group b) All data where a specific column (date) is after that set date

This is because I want 2 calendars - 1 for this week, 1 for next week.

So I have the dates sorted…

// Getting Monday's Date
$thisMon = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('Monday this week'));
$nextMon = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('Monday next week'));

And I have my SQL Select statement that fetches all records for a specific employee where the scheduledDate is equal to or above the beginning date of this week.

$query= " SELECT * from rota  WHERE ".$db->nameQuote('employeeNumber')." = ". $db->Quote($employeeNumber)." AND ".$db->nameQuote('scheduleDate')." >= ". $db->Quote($thisMon)." ";

$result = $db->query();

Then I have my results fetched:

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $date = $row["scheduleDate"];
        $start = $row["scheduledClockIn"];
        $end = $row["scheduledClockOut"];

Now the tricky part - How do I split them so that all dates before $nextMon are displayed in 1 group and all entries on or after $nextMon are in another so that I can display them on 2 separate calendars…

Then - How do I draw a weekly calendar and populate it with the data from this query? The calendar needs to be 7 columns across (1 for each day of the week) and 4 rows down (1 for each 4hrs of the day with the top of the table being 0800-1200, 1200-1600, 1600-2000, 2000-2400).

I’ve seen lots of lessons online for creating caledars with PHP but they are all Month/Year calendars and I have no idea how to get the data I have fetched from the database to populate the calendar.

Ahh for the fun of it. Gives you something to play around with anyway.

$hours_array = array("0800-1200", "1200-1600", "1600-2000", "2000-2400");

// Getting Monday's Date
$thisMon = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('Monday this week'));
$thislast = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($thisMon . " + 6 days"));
$nextMon = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('Monday next week'));	
$nextlast = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($nextMon . " + 6 days"));

   	function createDateRangeArray($strDateFrom,$strDateTo){
			    $iDateFrom=mktime(1,0,0,substr($strDateFrom,5,2),     substr($strDateFrom,8,2),substr($strDateFrom,0,4));
			    $iDateTo=mktime(1,0,0,substr($strDateTo,5,2),     substr($strDateTo,8,2),substr($strDateTo,0,4));
			    if ($iDateTo>=$iDateFrom)
			        array_push($aryRange,date('Y-m-d',$iDateFrom)); // first entry
			        while ($iDateFrom<$iDateTo)
			            $iDateFrom+=86400; // add 24 hours
			    return $aryRange;
//Create arrays of dates
$thisweek_dates = createDateRangeArray($thisMon,$thislast);
$nextweek_dates = createDateRangeArray($nextMon,$nextlast);

$query= " SELECT * from rota  WHERE ".$db->nameQuote('employeeNumber')." = ". $db->Quote($employeeNumber)." AND ".$db->nameQuote('scheduleDate')." >= ". $db->Quote($thisMon)." ";
$result = $db->query();	
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$emp_hours = array();
$query= " SELECT * from rota  WHERE employeeNumber = '$employeeNumber' AND scheduleDate >= '$thisMon' ";
$result = $db->query($query);
while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
	$date = $row["scheduleDate"];
	$start = $row["scheduledClockIn"];
	$end = $row["scheduledClockOut"];
	$emp_hours[$date]['ClockIn'][] = $start;
	$emp_hours[$date]['ClockOut'][] = $end;				
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
$content = "";

//////Current Week///////
$content .= "<table class=\\"table\\" width=\\"99%\\" cellspacing=\\"1\\" cellpadding=\\"1\\">\\r";
	$content .= "<tr>\\r";
	$showthisMon = date('F j, Y',strtotime($thisMon));
	$showthislast = date('F j, Y',strtotime($thislast));
	$content .= "<th align=\\"center\\" colspan=\\"7\\">This Week - $showthisMon - $showthislast</th>\\r";
	$content .= "</tr>\\r";

	//calendar heading
	$content .= "<tr>\\r";
	foreach($thisweek_dates as $date){
		$day = date('l',strtotime($date));
		$showday = date('M j, Y',strtotime($date));
		$content .= "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"14%\\" class=\\"heading\\"><b>$day</b><br />$showday</td>\\r";
	$content .= "</tr>\\r";

	$content .= "<tr>\\r";
	$Tdailyminutes = array();
	foreach($thisweek_dates as $date){
		$content .= "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"14%\\">\\r";
		$dailyminutes = 0;
		foreach($hours_array as $hour){
			$times = explode("-",$hour);
			$min = $times[0];
			$max = $times[1];
			if (array_key_exists($date,$emp_hours)){
				//look for ClockIn time within min/max range			
				foreach($emp_hours[$date]['ClockIn'] as $timein){
					if ($timein >= $min && $timein <= $max){
						$in = $timein;
						$in = "";
				//look for ClockOut time within min/max range			
				foreach($emp_hours[$date]['ClockOut'] as $timeout){
					if ($timeout >= $min && $timeout <= $max){
						$out = $timeout;
						$out = "";
			$dailyminutes = $dailyminutes+($out-$in);
			$display = (isset($in) && !empty($in) ? "$in - $out" : '');
			$content .= "<b>$hour</b><br />$display<br />\\r";
		$Tdailyminutes[$date] = $dailyminutes;
		$content .= "</td>\\r";
	$content .= "</tr>\\r";
	//Total hours
	$content .= "<tr>\\r";
	foreach($thisweek_dates as $date){
		$Thours = $Tdailyminutes[$date]/100;
		$content .= "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"14%\\" class=\\"heading\\">$Thours hrs</td>\\r";
	$content .= "</tr>\\r";

$content .= "</table>\\r";

$content .= "<table class=\\"table\\" width=\\"99%\\" cellspacing=\\"1\\" cellpadding=\\"1\\">\\r";

	$content .= "<tr>\\r";
	$shownextMon = date('F j, Y',strtotime($nextMon));
	$shownextlast = date('F j, Y',strtotime($nextlast));
	$content .= "<th align=\\"center\\" colspan=\\"7\\">Next Week - $shownextMon - $shownextlast</th>\\r";
	$content .= "</tr>\\r";
	//calendar heading
	$content .= "<tr>\\r";
	foreach($nextweek_dates as $date){
		$day = date('l',strtotime($date));
		$showday = date('M j, Y',strtotime($date));
		$content .= "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"14%\\" class=\\"heading\\"><b>$day</b><br />$showday</td>\\r";
	$content .= "</tr>\\r";
	$content .= "<tr>\\r";
	$Tdailyminutes = array();
	foreach($nextweek_dates as $date){
		$content .= "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"14%\\">\\r";
		$dailyminutes = 0;
		foreach($hours_array as $hour){
			$times = explode("-",$hour);
			$min = $times[0];
			$max = $times[1];
			if (array_key_exists($date,$emp_hours)){
				//look for ClockIn time within min/max range			
				foreach($emp_hours[$date]['ClockIn'] as $timein){
					if ($timein >= $min && $timein <= $max){
						$in = $timein;
						$in = "";
				//look for ClockOut time within min/max range			
				foreach($emp_hours[$date]['ClockOut'] as $timeout){
					if ($timeout >= $min && $timeout <= $max){
						$out = $timeout;
						$out = "";
			$dailyminutes = $dailyminutes+($out-$in);
			$display = (isset($in) && !empty($in) ? "$in - $out<br />" : '');
			$content .= "<b>$hour</b><br />$display\\r";
		$Tdailyminutes[$date] = $dailyminutes;
		$content .= "</td>\\r";
	$content .= "</tr>\\r";
	//Total hours
	$content .= "<tr>\\r";
	foreach($nextweek_dates as $date){
		$Thours = $Tdailyminutes[$date]/100;
		$content .= "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"14%\\" class=\\"heading\\">$Thours hrs</td>\\r";
	$content .= "</tr>\\r";

$content .= "</table>\\r";
<style type="text/css">
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echo $content;

I didn’t add much data to it but I looks like image below.