Stack overflow error

Hi, I am a novice web developer. I have a site: Show Cattle, Club Calves, Show Steers, Breeding Cattle, and Bulls that started giving this error when viewed in IE (Stack overflow at line:78). I have determined that something isn’t working right with my banner ads on the right, but I am not very good with java script. Does anyone have any ideas?


I viewed it in IE9 and didn’t get any errors. What version of IE are you using?

I am not exactly sure. I use firefox 4, and when I click the switch rendering engine within firefox I get that error. I also have IE9 and it seems to work fine within it.

I get the same error in IE8.

The error exists in all browsers and is being reported on line 77 of banners.min.js, but that’s minimised code so line 77 is quite long. As that’s presumably proven code, the error is more likely to be in the user parameters being set.

Only showed an error in IE6 for me(IETester)

That banner script is minified. A bulk of the script appears to be on that one offending line. Copied and pasted in notepad++ it was line 77, which I’m guessing is close enough.

It will be a great deal easier to debug if you have the original source(Non-minified)

Stack overflow is an error that can occur in recursive function calls(A function calling itself) where a base condition is never met. In addition browsers have different allotted stack sizes.

You need to supplement your banner minified version for this one here(That’s if this is the offending script). Might give a better clue as to the problem. Oh and you can strike my ‘great deal easier’ comment.

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

	Simple banner rotator. Version: 1.4.0
	Download and support: [Free CSS templates & webmaster resources - spyka Webmaster]( 
	(c) Copyright 2008, 2009 spyka Web Group

	For full documentation:  [free PHP and Javascript web scripts - spyka Webmaster](
	For support:			 [spyka Webmaster forums &bull; Index page](


//								EDIT FROM HERE

		Script settings

var settings = {
	'force_size':			0,         		// 	if set to 1 all banners will be resized to the width and height in the next to settings
	'img_width':			468,			//	width to resize all banners to, only takes effect if above is 1
	'img_height':			60, 			// 	height to resize all banners to, only takes effect if above is 1
	'refresh_time':			10000,			//	the seconds between refreshs of the banners - use 0 to disable
	'refresh_max':			10000,				//	maximum number of refreshs on each page load
	'duplicate_banners':	0,				//	keep as 0 to make sure the same banner won't show on the same page. will only take effect
											//  if show_banners(); is used more than once. You must make sure you have enough banners to fill
											//  all the slots else the browser may freeze or give a stack overflow error
	'location_prefix': 		'adLocation-',	//	The prefix of the IDs of the <div> which wraps the banners - this div is generated dynamically.
											//  a number will be added on the end of this string. adLocation- was used by default before version 1.4.x
	'location_class':		'swb',			//  A class to add to all of the <div>s which wrap the banners, ideal to use for styling banners - use .swb img in your CSS	
	'window': 				'_self',		//	Window to open links in, _self = current, _blank = new. Use _top if in a frame!		
	'default_ad_loc':		'default'		//	The default adLocation. This is assigned to any banners not given an adLocation in the below banner list
											//  There is no real reason to need to change this

// banner list syntax: new banner(website_name, website_url, banner_url, show_until_date, adlocation),  DATE FORMAT: dd/mm/yyyy
// if you're not using adlocations just leave it empty like '' as in the last example here
// to make sure a banner is always rotating, just set the date far into the future, i.e. year 3000

var banners = [
	new banner('Eklund Cattle',	'', '', '09/17/2010',	''),
	new banner('Maple Knoll Shorthorns', '', '', '03/25/2011',	''),
	new banner('Miller Show Calves', '', '', '09/17/2010',	''),
	new banner('Club Calf Advertising',	'',  '', '09/17/2010',	''),
	new banner('Club Calf Web Design', 	'', 	'', '09/17/2010',	'')

//         				There is no need to edit below here

"global" vars
var used				= 0;
var location_counter	= 0;
var refresh_counter 	= 1;
var map 				= new Array();

	function banner()
	creates a banner object
function banner(name, url, image, date, loc)
{	= name;
	this.url	= url;
	this.image	= image;	= date; = 1;
	this.oid = 0;
	// if no adlocation is given use the default a adlocation setting
	// this is used if adlocations aren't being used or using pre-1.4.x code
	if(loc != '')
		this.loc = loc;
		this.loc = settings.default_ad_loc;

	function show_banners()
	writes banner <div> HTML and maps ad locations to <div> ID tags
function show_banners(banner_location)
	// increase the counter ready for further calls
	location_counter = location_counter + 1;

	// this part maps the adlocation name supplied by the user to the adlocation
	// ID used by the script
	if(banner_location != '' && banner_location != undefined)
		map[location_counter] = banner_location;
		map[location_counter] = settings.default_ad_loc;

	// writes banner html
	var html = '<div id="' + settings.location_prefix + location_counter + '" class="' + settings.location_class + '"></div>';
	// calls the display banners script to fill this ad location

	function display_banners()
	displays banners for a given location number
function display_banners(location)
	// used in this function to hold tempoary copy of banners array
	var location_banners	= new Array();
	// if no location is given, do nothing
	if(location == '' || !location || location < 0)
	// get total banners
	var am	= banners.length;
	// all banners have been displayed in this pass and the user doesnt
	// want to have duplicate banners showing
	if((am == used) && settings.duplicate_banners == 0) {

	// new for 1.4.x, this takes the list of banners and creates a tempoary list
	// with only the banners for the current adlocation in
	for(i = 0; i < (banners.length); i++)
		banners[i].oid = i;
		if((banners[i].loc == map[location]) && (banners[i].active == 1))

	// same as 1.2.x - finds the banner randomly
	var rand	= Math.floor(Math.random()*location_banners.length);	
	var bn 		= location_banners[rand];
	// creates html
	var image_size 	= (settings.force_size == 1) ? ' width="' + settings.img_width + '" height="' + settings.img_height + '"' : '';
	var html 		= '<a href="' + bn.url + '" title="' + + '" target="' + settings.window + '"><img border="0" src="' + bn.image + '"' + image_size + ' alt="' + + '" /></a>';
	// calculates the date from inputted string, expected formate is DD/MM/YYYY
	var now		= new Date(); 
	var input	=;
	input		= input.split('/', 3);
	// creates a date object with info
	var end_date	= new Date();
	end_date.setFullYear(parseInt(input[2]), parseInt(input[1]) - 1, parseInt(input[0]));
	// compares curent date with banner end date
	if((now < end_date) && == 1) 
		// attempt to find adlocation div
		var location_element = document.getElementById(settings.location_prefix + location);
		// couldn't find it, if this message shows there is a problem with show_banners
		if(location_element == null)
			alert('spyka Webmaster banner rotator\
Error: adLocation doesn\\'t exist!');
		// output banner HTML
			location_element.innerHTML = html;
			// if the user doesn't want the same banner to show again deactive it and increase
			// the users banners counter
			if(settings.duplicate_banners == 0)
				banners[bn.oid].active = 0;
		// inactive banner, find another
		// if no banners fit this adlocation you'll have an endless loop !

	function refresh_banners()
	resets counters and active settings
function refresh_banners()
	if((refresh_counter == settings.refresh_max) || settings.refresh_time < 1)
	used = 0;
	for(j = 0; j < (banners.length); j++)
		banners[j].active = 1;

	for(j = 1; j < (location_counter+1); j++)

// set timeout
var banner_refresh = window.setInterval(refresh_banners, settings.refresh_time);

I just expanded the script. This one is kind of weird. I haven’t made a change to this site for quite some time, but this error just appeared. Any ideas?


There seems to be a further explaination within the banner scripting code, that says:

//  if show_banners(); is used more than once. You must make sure you have enough banners to fill
//  all the slots else the browser may freeze or give a stack overflow error

So, the first step to resolving your problem is to ensure you have enough banners to fill all the slots.
Failing that, I’d suggest following up with the developers of the script.

When I expanded the code I only put two banners back in. I just put the rest of the banners in.

If there is only 1 ad-banner that’s available, and you want to show three banners on your page, you will need to show duplicate banners.

That’s this setting:

'duplicate_banners':    1,

If you don’t show duplicate banners,

'duplicate_banners':    0,

which is what you currently have, and there is still only one or two banners to show, your first two spots will show the banner but your third spot will be stuck in an endless loop as it tries to find a third unique banner.

That’s what causes the stack overflow. The function calls itself again and again and again, trying to find a third unique banner, when no other unique banner exists to be shown. Boom.

If you allow duplicate banners, it makes sense that your problem should be solved.

That’s definitively what is causing the error, but why is it only seeing one banner? I should have 5x banners:

var banners = [
	new banner('Eklund Cattle',	'', '', '09/17/2010',	''),
	new banner('Maple Knoll Shorthorns', '', '', '03/25/2011',	''),
	new banner('Miller Show Calves', '', '', '09/17/2010',	''),
	new banner('Club Calf Advertising',	'',  '', '09/17/2010',	''),
	new banner('Club Calf Web Design', 	'', 	'', '09/17/2010',	'')

It’s the end date on those banners. Check them out and you’ll find that they have expired.

Well, that was easy… I feel kind of dumb… Thanks for your help.
