Stats: get data by days


I am working on a project where I will have to store stats (how many times a website is visited etc.). I will have to manipulate the data by day, month, year. As in: select the last 7 days / select last month etc. I was wondering if I should go with timestamp (INT) or datetime.


-jj. :slight_smile:

i prefer datetime, because you can actually understand it when looking at the data, e.g. when using the dreaded, evil “select star” during preliminary testing

And here comes the trouble… :slight_smile:

It seems fairly easy to me to create unixdate with php using time(). I have no idea how to record a date in the datetime format. Is it done with php? Through a mysql query?


sorry, man, i don’t do php (and this ain’t the php forum, eh) :slight_smile:

but it’s definitely doable, all you have to do is use some php function to generate the date in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS


Try this:

INSERT INTO sometable 
  (date_name, date_and_time)
  ([FONT=verdana]'date_field_name', '2012-7-4 04:13:54'[/FONT]);

or this

 $sql = "
INSERT INTO sometable 
  (date_name, date_and_time)
  ('date_field_name','" . NOW() . "')";

//Run your SQL query with PDO, MSQLi…


Thanks for your replies.

Just out of curiosity, and so I can make my mind, before I dive into this, how would a query grabbing the 7 days prior to today look like with datetime? Would it be a lot different with a timestamp?



using a timestamp column (integer) –

  AND timestampcolumn  < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() -- defaults to today

using a datetime column –

  AND datetimecolumn  < CURRENT_DATE


While deciding you may also want to read this blog post as well as the comments to decide what date/time format you want to use.

Keep in mind that MySQL has advanced a lot since this article was written but the article does point out some other factors that might influence what you use.


the comments in that article make a more convincing case ~against~ using the unix timestamp integer

see also my point in post #2 above, which nobody has yet refuted

I read it the same way, hopefully jjshell sees it from both sides and has the same conclusion :slight_smile:

I’m sold! :slight_smile:

So, how should I enter a new datetime? Using NOW()?
Is datetime going to be harder to manoeuver than date? I’m thinking, why not store hours and seconds, I may need them in the future (but not right now).

use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP instead of NOW()

manoeuver? you mean, like with date and time functions?

and don’t bother storing hours and seconds – the minutes will feel so disrespected :smiley: :smiley: