Stored Procedure issue

I have the following queries in my stored prodeure:

SELECT CurrentSalary,Location,Dept,Grade, CurrentSalary * concat('.9',Decrease) AS Amended_Salary FROM employees
CurrentSalary > MinSal AND CurrentSalary < MaxSal
Location = ThisLocation
Dept = ThisDepartment
Grade = ThisGrade;
UPDATE employees
SET CurrentSalary * concat('.9',Decrease)
CurrentSalary > MinSal AND CurrentSalary < MaxSal
Location = ThisLocation
Dept = ThisDepartment
Grade = ThisGrade;

The select query works fine but the update query doesn’t seem to run after the select query has been generated. The issue is that I have been requested to show the old salary before the decrease has been applied but I’m unsure how to call the procedure to update the database with the decrease while also displaying the old salary before the decrease is applied.

I would have thought that once the decrease has been applied then any request for salary details would retrieve new salaries.

Is there a way of displaying the old salary details alongside the new in a query and under the call of one stored procedure.

Thanks for any help.