Storing HTML code in an Mysql database

Does anyone know how to store text containing html code into a blob field in a mysql database?

It doesn’t matter what you store text or html - same way.

Why do you want to store it in a BLOB? Use a text field

Sean :slight_smile:

In my sql I say

  $sql= " INSERT INTO adds
        SET ADDTEXT = '$buffer',
             ADDDATE = CURDATE() ";
   if (!@mysql_query($sql)) {
   echo("<p> Record not added" .mysql_error() .

Because $buffer contains htlm characters I am
  getting a parse error.

Try adding some slashes

$slashedBuffer = AddSlashes($buffer);
$sql= " INSERT INTO adds
SET ADDTEXT = '$slashedBuffer',
if (!@mysql_query($sql)) {
echo("<p> Record not added" .mysql_error() .

Thank you for response.

Is Addslashes a PHP function or is it a subroutine? Where can I get information concerning addslashes?


Did you read my post above?

Sean :slight_smile:

Originally posted by seanf
Why do you want to store it in a BLOB? Use a text field

as far as i know, it shouldn’t really matter. yes, i would suggest using TEXT too, for consistency. but BLOB shouldn’t hurt anything. actually, i’m not sure if storing binary data in a TEXT column would hurt anything either.

You many want to use a method other than addslashes() for escaping SQL strings. See

  • Marshall

The addslashes worked just fine for my application. I did not have to use stripslashes to get the data back in a form that I needed but I am not through yet. I will need to put the reteived data into an html page.

Thanks for the help.