Strange alignment behaviour in IE7

This should be a simple one but has had me puzzled for a few hours now.

On this site -
if you have a look at the ‘cars’ and ‘contact’ page, the top nav is sliding over to align with the content, rather than using the 100% width it has specified.

Bizarrely, this behavior isn’t happening on the other two pages (‘home’ and ‘location’)

Also, the content is pushing itself up to the top of the page, rather than following the margin rules applied to it.

Ahh… ie7.

Any ideas?

I couldn’t see what you meant but I only have ietester to test ie7 at the moment and it seems to be displaying ok.

I don’t see anything except website coming soon :frowning:

On a project we were working on we simply gave up. Internet Explorer 7 is more than six years old and there is no excuse for anybody to still be using it. Without creating a completely different version of the website for IE7, detected by a script, we decided it simply wasn’t worth it. Tons of very large websites (like my bank’s) are now telling people to upgrade to at least IE8 or they will no longer be allowed access to their website.