String problem

im building a link in my .net sode behind page to a javascript function.

i need to pass a variable to this function.

if i set my string without the parameter like

Dim reportLink As HyperLink
                reportLink = New HyperLink

                reportLink.Text = "Map"
                reportLink.ImageUrl = "images/thumbnails/map-icon.jpg"

                reportLink.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return openRadWindowFromGrid();")


this works ok in that the window is launched.

however if i add my parameter variable with

reportLink.Attributes.Add(“onclick”, “return openRadWindowFromGrid(” + UrlString + “);”)

the link doesnt trigger at all…

whats the correct way to construct this string?

It seems that the resulting string is unquoted. For example:
return openRadWindowFromGrid(grid5)

which would be treated as attempting to use a variable called grid5

Quotes are required to let JavaScript know that it’s a string, and not a variable instead.
return openRadWindowFromGrid(‘grid5’)