Style Wordpress Text Editor to Look More like the Finished Webpage?

[FONT=“Georgia”]Is there a way to style the Wordpress/TinyMCE editor so it would look more like what the finished webpage would?

The site I’m using Wordpress for has a dark blue background, with all the <p> tags styled to white, and custom fonts and sizes for the <h> tags.

It would be nice if all that can be previewed by the authors and editors while they’re working within Wordpress.

Does anyone know of any hacks or plug-ins that I might use to achieve this?




Thanks, Mal’.

I’ll give them a try soon.


I’ve never tried it, but:

This seems to be the best match (but have a read):

And this search might output something of value:

[FONT=“Georgia”]Alright I found this article too about adding an editor-style.css file to the theme’s root folder, which over-rides the default TinyMCE styles.