Submit button not working on Firefox

So helo there all.
I aplyed a java script to an php file i have to prevent users pressing to many times on a button in my web shop.
The script works perfect in Chrome.I Firefox it does this.


Here is the code

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/JavaScript">
function formControl(submitted)
   //alert("Processing,please wait...")
	   echo '&lt;FORM action="" method="post" enctype="text/plain" name="commentForm"&gt;';
echo '&lt;input type="submit" name="Submit" onclick="javscript:location.href=\\'./buy.php?v1='.$v1.'&v2='.$v2.'&co='.$item.'\\';formControl(1);" value=\\'Yes I am\\'&gt;';
	  echo '&lt;input type="button" onclick="javscript:location.href=\\'./webshop.php?v1='.$v1.'&v2='.$v2.'\\'" value=\\'No I`m not\\'&gt;';
	  echo '&lt;/FORM&gt;';

Bump,anyone can help me please?

can no one help me please?

Maybe you should post a working example or a live link. What you gave above is not a lot to go on. The code can’t be grabbed and tested easily.

There’s lots of things wrong with your code.

Just a few:

  1. your submit button should not have an onclick event handler.

  2. The form could have an onsubmit event handler which controls whether the form is actually submitted or not depending on the user inputs.

  3. You have spelling typos in your code.

  4. onclick even handlers should not have a javascript pseudo protocol.

I am not really good at this and the code was not made by me.
Here is the site and the login is
pass tester87