Suggest a name for my Small Company

Dear site point Friends,
please Suggest me a unique name for my new Web designing Business. Please give me some Creative names.

i do

 1. Html & css Web designs
2. Flash Designs
 3.logo Designs
4.php and mysql Development.

My names are probably too weird to use in a formal buisness…But I will give it a try

1: Wall to Wall Website Creation

2: Super Site Design

3: The Amazing Creation Operation
*This ones only cool because the abbreviation is T.A.C.O… :slight_smile:

4: EVERYTHING internet

Just some suggestions…

Have you come up with anything yourself? This should be an expression of YOU. Show us that you’ve made some effort, and we could perhaps work from that—suggesting improvement or whatever.

When I come up with a name, I not only consider something that’s appropriate for the business or activity, but also like to check what kind of domain names are available, as I prefer doc com ones myself.

Your name could be anything you want really.

Pick a word that means something to you, then put an add-on word on the end, something like design, concept, media. The add-on word could be anything. I’ve seen some businesses just have one-word, which has some kind of meaning behind it.

I can’t really create a business name for you, particularly as I have nothing work with.

Thanks for your Reply Rabibits. All your Suggestions are Superb but I wish to have a very meaning full name like[ QUOTE] wwwDesigner [/QUOTE] or indianDEsigner Some thing like Please Suggest some more…!

Dear ralph i’m Scratching my head since 1 month and not Really got a good one …i got some like Exotic Designer,WwwDesigner or some thing PLease Suggest a good one

Here are some names I came up with on the fly which would suffice.

  • exoticmedia
  • mediamelon or melonmedia
  • indianowebdesign

Could really be anything. The name needs to mean something to you.

thanks Friends Exoticweb Seems great please suggest any thing around…!


what you say about

exotic webmaster

Why not use your personal name? It is commonly done from what I’ve seen.
Your site name would be “Your Name Designs” or “Your Name Inc”

I can use but still im a student So want to grow my company to heights if i have brand name i believe it will give me inspiration …