Suggest best Title Tag for my page

Hi everyone,

How to choose best Title tag for my page?

Now my page title tag is " View More details - users - domain name"

I want to change the title tag as user friendly and seo based. And the page is fully about some sample description of local users

Help needed and suggest some good Title tag



There are many unique format for this but I think the best one is “Key phrase, followed by keyword / webpage title - Brand name”. The limit should be 70 characters since the excess of it gets truncated in Google Search. I think you should be more specific in your key phrase area (View More Details) so that visitors can identify your site. Title tags are placed on top of descriptions.

This is the only thing I can say since I don’t know what’s your webpage is all about. So I could be wrong or partially wrong here. Hopes this helps.

What is the keywords, use a combination of keywords in title tags, e.g.

Keyword 1,Keyword 2…,Brand name (within 60 chars)

Here is a post which exactly talks about how to set meta titles.

Title of the webpage should be that type which tells about your webpage within less than 70 characters as per Seo perspective. And you should also target the most prominent keyword of your webpage in the title because it will help to increase visibility of the webpage in the search engine.

For detailed information refer this link

Thanks @ Hamiltondist

@ Mellisa Smith

Now got some idea. Once again thanks for your valuable comments

  • Roger -

Title tags of the page help you to distinguish your page & create a unique image of your page in Google Search Engine Result page.
Title of your page have to be unique which can be a combination of important keywords relevant to your products & services that you are offering.
Always try to keep your title length limited to 65 to 70 characters.