Swapable content area + gallery?

Hi all,

Is it possible anyone could direct me to a script that does this:

When you click on an image in left side,
it opens up the image on the right
(easy enough i can find a gallery that does that )

BUT the content area to the right of each image also changes…

Trying to copy the code off this site is like almost impossible
I cant figure out what they are doing theres literally 10 CSS files

Thankyou in advance!



Stu Nichols has loads of basic galleries but it looks like you need something with content loaded via ajax.

Unless you can program itself you are probably going to have to find something off the shelf using jquery or similar.

yeah i was hoping someone could direct me to a jquery link where they do this…

its kinda mixed with CSS and images so hence why i posted here,
in the hope someone has done something similar before!

Hopefully someone else will come along with better solutions:). I don’t usually get involved in that side of things so have no personal experience of them.

Perhaps try asking in the Javascript forum? Perhaps Paul can move it. This seems more of a JS question.

This is pretty close. http://www.visibilityinherit.com/code/swap-panels.php

Or you can do it with jquery tabs plugin http://www.visibilityinherit.com/code/jquery-fading-tabs.php