Tag you're it!

New game. Learn how to to use @ and a username. only Tag 1-2 members.

First one to be tagged is…

@cpradio and @HAWK

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Aww, cool, I feel special @TechnoBear and @molona (na na na I was the first one tagged! :stuck_out_tongue: )

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And I feel special that you chose me.

What do you think, @bshearer and @swheeldesign?

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Nice! I think people are catching on. Is there a way to see new “Joinees” or members as a whole to rope them into this game? lol

@James_Hibbard now its time for you to add two people.


@mawburn find two people and Tag them dude!


My goodness. In that case I choose @PatriIden and @Paul_Wilkins

Ok. I may not be the first but certainly I can play the game… @mittineague and @PaulOB

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I’ll try too - @molona and @ralphm

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Ok. I know I can do this, I know @winrockVolunteers and @erabxes

@molona and @tpunt.Thanks for also firing me up in terms of new concepts yet to be learned, and of course “I REALLY KNOW THAT I CAN DO THIS AND DO MORE!” Cheers!!!

Ooops let’s see, let’s see @hawk and … @technobear

Me again? OK - @webmachine (I don’t recognise you without your elegant cat ) and @guido2004.

@Mittineague and @Dormilich because I see you two quite often in the PHP section :wink:

I lost it when the forums moved, @TechnoBear, so I figured I should reveal the real me until I can find the other one. :blush:


Here ya go

Okay…time to kick this off again! LOL

How about we Tag members from other Categories.

Ok…I tag @vgarcia and @felgall