Target="_blank" not working

thanks for your words of wisdom… i’ll make sure to tell God that this needs to be in the bible. :o

If they want to stick around on your site they’ll right-click and choose to open it in a new window.
No offence, but that’s a myth. I’ve seen “regular” people browsing. They do not use the right click to open in a new window. In fact, most of them don’t even use the back button.

They search for something on google, they click on a link. If the website does not provide the answer they go back to google by typing “” and they search again.

Really, after a while I feel I’m going nuts just by watching them. :slight_smile:

Yes, I do explain them what they should do, but they’re used to their own technique - if we can call it that.

Most of the research I’ve read states that most people know how to use the Back button, and that the Back button is in many cases the only navigation button that people understand properly.

This strengthens the case against new window links, when you consider that if a link opens in a new window, then people will no longer be able to use the back button, which is in many cases the only navigation button they understand properly. The fact that most people don’t open links in new windows by right clicking also strengthens the case against new window links. It doesn’t make sense to force a new window upon somebody who doesn’t otherwise use multiple windows for browsing and doesn’t understand how new window links work. Ending up with multiple browsers visible at once would confuse these people.

The above are the reasons why we shouldn’t force new window links (unexpectedly) on ordinary end users. However, even power users do not like new window links, because these users will already know how to shift+click a link, and so if they want a new window they’ll do it themselves. They don’t want a link to force itself open in a new window, because for ease of navigation (for instance, if they intend to have a quick look and then go back using the back button) it is often easier not to use a new window for the link. When you force a new window link upon them it is not possible to open the link in the same window.

In my experience with clients they are well aware of the back button, much less aware of the open in new window option.

Some great ideas put forward, albeit substantially longer than the old target=“_blank” !

Is anyone here really advocating “forcing” new windows in people even if they knowingly prefer to use a single window?

Fwiw, it’s an interesting observation that those who ‘discover’ multiple-window browsing, particularly tabbed browsing, rarely, if ever, go back to single-window browsing.
Non-geeky beginners whom I’ve introduced to Firefox have (perhaps surprisingly) universally appreciate tabbed browsing and recognised it as a superior, more convenient browsing model.

It is an error to assume that those using single-window browsing are doing so through choice or that they would not appreciate multiple-window browsing.
A choice of which they are unaware is no choice at all.

Clear choices are always the best option and, short of giving your visitors a users’ guide to their browser, presenting options on your page is a reasonable way of reconciling the preferences of the author with those of the user.

Please refer to the w3c code. IT must work

Erm… I don’t think that’s quite accurate.
_blank* appears to have been amongst the four original reserved names/values of the target attribute when it was first added to the spec along with the frame tag in HTML 4.0.

Just a thought. :wink:

That’s what we’re discussing in the thread. This thread is about whether to use target=“_blank”, which forces a new window to open regardless of whether somebody prefers to use a single window. For reference, I am arguing against it. Using target=“blank_” prevents people from being able to make the choice for themselves.

Fair enough. I (clearly wrongly) assumed that the emphasis had moved on since the option of using the ‘standards compliant+’ method of implementing target=“_blank” was introduced to the thread.

I agree in that implementing a _blank target directly in the raw (with no on-page or UA method of user override) does take away choice.
I have no issues with the implementation of target=“_blank” so long as it’s done via the DOM possibly in conjunction with some kind of clear, visible switcher.

That’s where I thought we were in the discussion.

I disagree with this logic for one main reason.
I’m viewing these forums on a school computer, and this specific room has right-clicking disabled system-wide.
Consequently, Right-Click -> Open in a New Window isn’t an option.
I have to rely on website developers to keep me in mind when creating links to external websites.

Just a thought…

I haven’t seen the option much but would an alternative be a link with a “New Window” link beside it? I realize it isn’t as elegant as the js switcher (which I had never thought of) but would that be an unoffending alternative to the target, and just don’t offer the “new window” for the user?

Talking about links, what’s the correct way to put a javascript on href and why, like this:

<a href=“#” onclick=“clickMe()”>click me</a>

The bad I know from above is that when clicked, the page scroll to the top of the page.
To fix, I just put a dot before #:

<a href=“.#” onclick=“clickMe()”>click me</a>

What’s the corret way and why.

moagw, some sites offer links both ways as you are suggesting.
They have the normal link text that triggers the link in the same window…
Right next to that they have a small ‘new window’ icon (< …a><img…></a> ) that triggers that same link, but in a new window.
It’s used by some as an efficient way of presenting both options without using up too much space.

neves, it’s as follows…

<a href="#" onclick="doThatThing(); [color=red]return false;[/color]">

The return false tells the browser to cancel any url change set out in the href, including some browsers ‘return to top’ treatment of # when used as an href.

I’ve done the same thing - check box toggle at the top of a list of external links, (defaulted to open in same window). It keeps me happy and the site’s owner happy, as opposed to forcing blank windows automatically.

some clients however still want any external links to open in a new window, without exception or choice. Not much you can do when faced with that.

Click on link -> highlight address -> edit -> copy -> click back -> file -> new window -> edit
-> paste -> click go.

Reminds me of the time when I wanted to have a quick surf on a demo-computer without a keyboard. The Insert -> Symbol on Word was invaluable. :wink:

I get very annoyed when sites spawn up new windows. I didn’t mind so much when I used IE where you had multiple instances of it running anyway, but now I have Firefox it is just plain inconsiderate. As said before, I have also seen computer newbies very much puzzled when they can’t get back to the window they were looking at when another pops up. This will carry on until people either move to Firefox, Opera etc. (tabbed browsing), and/or just use the right click more.

So, the best way to make an empty link like this:

<a href=“”>don’t click me</a>

I can do:

<a href=“#” onclick=“return false;”>don’t click me</a>

There’s a way to make an empty link change only inside the href?

<a href=“magic code to disable the link”>don’t click me</a>

Neves, this might be a stupid question, but why would you want something that isn’t a link inside anchor tags?
What are you trying to achieve?

Not necessarily. First, you’re assuming that everyone knows how to do this, which is a huge overstatement. Based on my experience, I would say that the average computer user doesn’t know anything about right-clicking to open a link in a new window.

2nd, I think it should be the other way around. You should only open external links in the same window if it is logical to do so, and you intuit that the user won’t need the current website once they click that link. It’s much easier to close one unneeded window than to backtrack, especially if you’ve browsed the external site a bit. And with so many webmasters disabling the back button on their sites (grr) it can be a hassle trying to get back to the original site.

Or I could hold SHIFT while clicking the link.

XHTML Alternative:

Hi would google spider this kind of link?

thanks Lisa