Targetting Android + iPhone / iPad

i converted some videos to MP4 format using Handbrake. I’m using the H.264 codec. I’m using the HTML5 doctype in my page and using the new HTML5 video tag.

I go to my HTML page on my android phone and the video plays no problem.

When i go to page on my ipod touch, the browser says it doesnt support it.

What gives? I thought Safari on ipod touch supported HTML5. i am on a lower version, so maybe upgrading will fix this…

Does it sound like i am doing anything wrong?

maybe this will help you out:

“If you’re using a plug-in to embed audio or video in a webpage, you can use the HTML5 <audio> and <video> tags to deliver audio and video content in Safari on iPad and iPhone. These tags work seamlessly with HTTP Live Streaming, and it is easy to structure your HTML to fall back to plug-in content in browsers that don’t support these elements. For more information on using HTML5 <audio> and <video> tags, see the Safari Guide to HTML5 Audio and Video, and the HTMLMediaElement, HTMLVideoElement, and HTMLAudioElement class references in the Safari DOM Extensions Reference.”

the last link is the most important one.