Teaching kids to code - the English experience

this is not new, nit even in Britain. There was the BBC computers in the eigthies as kids programmed at school. Much of the focus was on programming since thera was not much more to do with them. And Australia developed MicroBee, with inbuilt wordprocessor and terminal. Most countries had there own school computer projects. The was many enthusiast among the teachers but most of the teachers whom went on training really understod it, and the students were disappointed they didn’t made real programs.

I have tried both Arduino programming and HTML with students, grade 5-9. The reaction I get from the students are mixed. There is a great Aha when they understands the structure, and they like that. But again some disappointment that they don’t make conplete games, they start to realise how complexed the programming can be.

When I look for other teachers to get involved I find zero. The younger the kids are the less interested i programming the teachers are - there are reason why they did not chose to be Teacher in the upper years.

In beginning of projects like this, the teachers that are interested will join, but when it is rolled out in full svale there will be a lack of suitable teachers. I am sorry, but that is the reality.

I have a dream of letting the students learn mecanics like cogs, but that is also difficult to roll out.