Technical design for my start-up

Hi Guys,
I have some idea but i don’t know from which language / framework to start.
Project requirements: back-end, front-end, DB, unique logic implantation, the code should be reusable
in order to develop cross-platform application based on it.
i think about : HTML5 based on angular.js -front end
but I don’t know what language I should use as back-end, and which DB?

Thanks a lot!

Those are very general requirements that don’t really lend themselves toward any single server-side technology. All those requirements can be achieved with any language. For unbiased recommendations more information is unnecessary. Otherwise I would just say use what you are familiar with or would like to learn.

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What are the missing requirements in order to get more specific solution?

He didn’t say you had missing requirements. He is simply saying you don’t have any specific needs that a specific language/DB could achieve. So in short, you can use whatever.

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