Testing responsive website across platforms

Hi guys,

Ive built a responsive website and am about to test it across platforms. Ive already done some basic testing.
Does anyone know of a document with a list of devices and browser versions that I can use as a template to test the website on?

Many thanks

Brad frost is an expert in responsive web sites. He has wrote multiple articles on tools, pitfalls to avoid, best practices, guide, etc. you may want read his blog and I am sure you’ll get enough help. His website is Brad Frost Web dot com.

Hope this help

It’s also worth considering a testing tool like BrowserStack: http://www.browserstack.com/

Fantastic - thanks for the fast response guys.

limited but I think it is better for mobile devices that I like is quirktools.com/screenfly/

If you need a quick check, you could use Ipad/Android etc. emulator and check how your site looks there.

Vincentas, Ipad emulator has a different look than screenfly and it did not change the nav menu to mobile devices like screenfly does . although yours did reduce the footer to the screen size while screenfly didn’t. I wish there was one that is foolproof.

I suggest you check out Brad Frost github page


Thanks for sharing some of the testing tools here. As I have also got a few of my websites been redesigned to responsive and it’s quite worth to look for some wrongdoings (if any) with such tools, before I’d bring it live. Lemme try these tools right now :slight_smile: