Text fields and buttons


On my homepage (www.myalgebrabook.com), my login textfields looks good in Safari but the lengths are different in IE and in both IE and Firefox things look a bit mushed together. Could someone offer me some guidance as to how to add some space? A one-solution fits all browser would of course be preferred if at all possible.

Thank you,


You don’t really have any styles for your form, so you could try something like:

#login input[type="text"], #login input[type="password"] {
     padding: 2px;
     width: 100px;

#login input {
     margin-bottom: 2px;

Probably needs more work, but that’s a start. :slight_smile:

Hey, thanks for the “place to start” response — I definitely prefer a tip, and a bit of personal head banging before discovering the solution, as it’s the only way that I really “own” new information.

Happy Wednesday!

No worries. It’s just a start, but if you are happy to work with it yourself, it will get you going. You may need to style the labels a bit too.

[It’s already Thursday here. :smiley: ]

Thanks! I’ll give it a shot. And, sorry for my “America-centric” time zone comment! :eye:

We actually ARE NOT the center of the universe. :blush:

Off Topic:

Woo hoo! You’ve given me SO much hope for the future. :lol: