The blue bar on the side of the container

The blue bar on the right side of this page you’re viewing right now allows you to scroll up and down the page quickly.
I don’t know what the technical term for it is Scroll Bar?
Well, I have an html/ccs container on my web page with a scroll bar horizontally at the bottom border of the container (four-sided borderer web page box that holds text). Does this mean the width needs to be wider? Is there a way to have this blue scroll bar disappear without making the box wider?

Yes they are called Scrollbars. Within CSS 3 there is: .example { overflow-x : hidden; } though obviously if the content is important; it might become problematic if you want to scroll horizontal and there is no bar to do so, to see the masked content. Usually it is best to leave them alone and let the browser decide. I assume you were just wanting the x-axis scroll bar alone hidden in a container.

Sounds like your web page to too wide, Chris. Feel free to post a link so we can see why.