The correct way to become proficient in Javascript

Hi all,

Im currently starting out on my Javascript adventure and was wondering if there is a best way to learn it.

I was thinking of using the following path of learning Domscripting then Javascript and then a framework such as JQuery, does this sound correct or what way would you do it if you were starting over again?



What’s Domscripting?

Learn Javascript by writing it (with help of a guide like books, forums, etc). I would save the libraries for later, but I guess that depends on whether the goal is to know Javascript and speak it, or just to be able to use Javascript to get stuff done. Libraries help you use Javascript to get stuff done without you needing to know a whole lot about Javascript itself. I’d rather know Javascript first.

Hey Stomme,

Dom Scripting:

Yeah I want to really understand javascript before thinking about learning frameworks etc

Re Dom scripting: that’s Javascript. It’s not a separate thing, unless you’re considering writing in Node.js (server-side JS). I mean, the process of learning Javascript ends up including how to manipulate the DOM since 99% of the time, you’re doing it on a web page. I wouldn’t consider it a separate thing, though it is possible to learn how to do all the other, non-DOM stuff.

Keith’s book can’t really be bad, though. He knows his stuff.

ah cool! iv spent too much time grabbing scripts off the web and pluggin them into my designs so iv decided to get going with learning javascript asap. cheers stomme!