The label is not aligned with the rest of the labels of the form (FF 3.6)


i have this page.

login: fer
password: m
Note: after logging you are redirected to another page. Then click on the link i mention again.

I dont know why “Fecha de nacimiento” label is not aligned with the rest of the labels.



Hi, could you be more specific? It’s alinging perfectly for me in FF3.6 :slight_smile:

Sorry, what i mean is “Sexo” is not aligned with Chico(o) and Chica(o) in IE6/7.

Hmm I have to really get moving…so this is untested. But try giving the <li> parent haslayout :slight_smile:

form li{zoom:1;}

Thanks! It works!

Glad it worked :). You’re welcome.