The Most Basic Web Page in the World?

You need to have the path to your uploaded picture. I always make a folder called images (very imaginative!) and put all my pictures in there. I keep this folder in the same directory as my html files, so the pathway to the picture is always the same, whether it’s on my computer or the server. For example, I could have a folder on my computer called Website, which contains another folder called images and my html files. When I upload these to the server, I can just upload the entire contents of Website to the root directory. Because everything is still in the same relative position, it all still works without having to change any file paths.

I’ve tried looking for a directory called logo on your site and it doesn’t exist, so that’s at least part of your problem - you’re asking the browser to find a picture in a non-existent location. First, we need to find where that picture actually is, and then correct the path name.

Can you locate the picture using Filezilla, as I suggested earlier? Another way to do it would be by using the control panel to your web site. The exact details will vary, depending on your hosting, but if you’re using a host with cPanel controls, you can log in to your cPanel, and choose the “File Manager” option. This will let you see which files you have where.

Don’t lose heart - we’re here to help.


I was doing everything right but FileZilla was not updating my html document with the right pathway for the picture. I found this out when I right clicked on the website to look at the markups and the logo directory was still there even though I had changed it to images (several times).

It was driving me nuts!!

So when I closed Filezilla and opened it again I uploaded the doc with the right pathway again and it worked. Then I just repeated the same process to all the html docs. Phew!!

Now I need to know how to make my page pale green instead of white? Please? :slight_smile:

Thank you

Easy! Most browsers default to showing the background of a page as white (#ffffff or #fff, if you like shortcuts), unless you tell it otherwise. So to your body style, do this:

body {
  [COLOR="#FF0000"]background-color: #f0fff0;[/COLOR]
  font-family: Verdana, Arial, "Times New Roman", sans-serif;
  line-height: 125%;
  padding: 0;
  border: 0;

Or replace the #f0fff0 with whatever color you like. I like to use this site for color codes, but there are more sophisticated hexcode providers out there.

Thank you

any suggestions on how I could improve

Thank you

At this point, it would be best for you to post in the Website Reviews forum. But please make sure to revew three others’ sites first, as that’s the way it works there. :slight_smile:

Ana, it’s worth saying that you are at the very same point I was when I first came into the Sitepoint forums some years ago. You’re well on your way to becoming a capable Web designer. Keep pushing!