This is REALLY spooky - files create themselves

I have 3 databases which spontaneously create new entries in themselves. Up until today I thought it was happening only whenever I opened the .php file in DW. Trouble is, I was driving all day today and when I opened up the computer at the end of the drive, 3 e-mails came in saying that a blank record had been entered in each of the 3 files. How bizarre is that??!!

I thought this was possibly happening when I opened the insert.php file, even if I did nothing other than look at the code and close it out (which I just did a minute ago and sure enough, a new insert e-mail just arrived).

What in heaven’s name could be triggering this?! It’s giving me the creeps. Here’s the coding for the insert.php file:

$con = mysql_connect("servername","database","password");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("database", $con);


    if (isset ($_POST['clubServices']))
        $strClubServices = implode (", ", $_POST['clubServices']);
        $strClubServices = "";

    $clubName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubName']);
    $clubContact = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubContact']);
    $clubContactPosn = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubContactPosn']);
    $clubCity = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubCity']);
    $clubProvince = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubProvince']);
    $clubCountry = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubCountry']);
    $clubPhone = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubPhone']);
    $clubEmail = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubEmail']);
    $clubWebsite = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubWebsite']);
    $clubServices = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubServices']);
    $clubOther = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubOther']);
    $clubListing = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clubListing']);
            clubs (
        , clubContact
        , clubContactPosn
        , clubCity
        , clubProvince
        , clubCountry
        , clubPhone
        , clubEmail
        , clubWebsite
        , clubServices
        , clubOther
        , clubListing
        , clubExpiry
        ) VALUES (
         '". $clubName ."'
        ,'". $clubContact ."'
        ,'". $clubContactPosn ."'
        ,'". $clubCity ."'
        ,'". $clubProvince ."'
        ,'". $clubCountry ."'
        ,'". $clubPhone ."'
        ,'". $clubEmail ."'
        ,'". $clubWebsite ."'
        ,'". $strClubServices ."'
        ,'". $clubOther ."'
        ,'". $clubListing ."'
        , now() + INTERVAL 1 YEAR
    if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
    die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
    $to = "e-mail address";
    $subject = "New listing in all-breed clubs directory";
    $message = "There's a new listing for " . $clubName . ", Contact: " . $clubContact . ", Contact position: " . $clubContactPosn . ", City: " . $clubCity . ", Province: " . $clubProvince . ", Country: " . $clubCountry . ", Phone: " . $clubPhone . ", Website: " . $clubWebsite . ", Services: " . $strClubServices . ", Other: " . $clubOther . ", " . $clubListing;
    $from = $_POST['clubEmail'];
    $headers = "From:" . $from;
    header("Location: CRcart/dir_ABclub_pic.php");


Is there really nobody who can help me with this? I think I just need to figure out what makes the page insert a record each time I open it in DW but have no idea how to do that. It’s really driving me crazy - had to go in and delete SIX records it made while I was working on one of the pages.

Move the curly brace on line 21 to 11

THANK YOU!! That was exactly what the problem was. Thanks so much for figuring that out, wonshikee. Hopefully that change will also stop them from creating new records while my computer is tucked away in its case too! <LOL>