This week in CSS - February 3rd 2014

It’s been a quite week in CSS but here are a few interesting links to read in your coffee break.

Regional war

A collection of CSS hover effects

DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.

Some CSS demos using data attributes and pseudo-elements

CSS Tricks supports box-sizing

Not specifically CSS but an interesting article on when to stop fiddling around with minor details.

The humble border radius by Lea Verou. No new but certainly worth another look.

You can also view a list of previous posts here.

Yup, I’ve bookmarked that site in my main toolbar and use it a lot. It’s a very handy resource.

CSS Tricks supports box-sizing

I’ve become addicted to border-box. It’s a much nicer way to work, I find. :slight_smile:

Yes it can make things easier especially with form controls. If I can just get my clients to drop IE7 then I woun’t have t double the code.

I remember when IE was lambasted because they used this mode by default in IE5 and quirks mode but it seems they were right all along.

Yes, it was a better way to do it … but they still created pain by not following the rules.

Some great information, here. Thanks for posting. Especially: