This Week in JavaScript - 12 May 2014

Welcome to your weekly update of JavaScript news and goodies.


JavaScript Prototypes, Scopes, and Performance: What You Need to Know
Don’t Name Your Inputs ‘action’ or ‘submit’!
A pure javascript input masker
Using Device Orientation in HTML5

New ideas

URLs are already dead
Replacing jQuery with Vanilla JavaScript
Reginald Braithwaite - Invent the future, don’t recreate the past (video)


controls - technology for building (web and mobile) applications
imgLiquid - A jQuery Plugin to resize images to fit in a container
quill - Quill is an open source editor built for the modern web
Flatsheet API - Using the Flatsheet API as replacement for Tabletop.js and Google Spreadsheets


The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Node.js
The state of angularjs controllers
Understanding Angular’s $apply() and $digest()


A specification that lays down some rules for how JSON responses from web servers should be formatted
Decluttering your Gruntfile.js (organizing grunt)
How fast is PDF.js?


Don’t Forget to Cover Your Client Side!
Writing Selenium Tests with Node (the Enjoyable Way)
stack-displayName Show custom function names in error stack traces

Cool stuff

The visual programming language VVVV brought to your web browser.
Let’s Make a Bubble Map

So what are your thoughts on the latest going-ons in the world of JavaScript? Is your JSON in need of a a trim, and are URL’s really that unimportant to the general public?

Please PM us if you have anything of interest for the next issue, and happy reading! - Paul & [URL=“”]Pullo