This Week in JavaScript - 25 November 2013

Your weekly update of interesting happenings in the world of JavaScript - feel free to discuss, and help to bring some new ideas to light.

A lot’s been happening this week so grab a hot drink and dive on in.

Making games

Starting with 2D games - A super simple starting point using Node.js

easystar.js - An asynchronous pathfinding API for your games

The Pond – building a multi-platform HTML5 game


DOM Selection - A beginner’s guide using jQuery

FloatThead - A sticky table header lib

10 fresh and fantastic jQuery plugins

Taking things further

How To Succeed In Open Source - In Ways You Haven’t Considered Yet

Best Javascript IDE and lightweight Code Editors
Nunjucks: A rich and powerful templating language for JavaScript

RegExper: Regular Expressions Explained


Advanced JavaScript Debugging with console.table()

5 Advanced Javascript and Web Debugging Techniques You Should Know About

Full coverage

Saga: Better code coverage tool for JavaScript

Client-Side Security Best Practices

Too much of awesome

Coupled Turing pattern with gradient flow and fluid simulation - complex-sounding but is beautiful to play with

Life of JS - Some of the best JS resources all gathered together

So, what you think about these recent happenings in JavaScript?

Are you inspired to start that game you’ve been dreaming about making, did you find a useful jQuery library, are you reconsidering your code editor?
Let us know and the debate can begin.

Also, feel free to PM us if you have anything interesting for the next issue. Happy reading! - Paul & [URL=“”]Pullo