This Week in JavaScript - 31 March 2014

Welcome to your weekly update of JavaScript news and goodies.


Flexbox in the real world - is it possible to use flexbox and still support IE8?
Using Media Queries in JavaScript
Isometric Graphics with Obelisk.js
Class Hierarchies? Don’t Do That!
Securely Handling User’s Login Credentials
Test Code Coverage: From Myth to Reality
ES6 - episode 3 - ES6 (harmony) modules, revisit classes, destructuring, and fat arrows
Bringing SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) to JavaScript


Implementing Lazy Scroll in jQuery
Developing a Password Strength Plugin with jQuery
A Chat Application Using Socket.IO

Frameworks / Templating / Build tools

Molecule: An HTML5 game framework
Gillie, JavaScript MVC micro framework inspired in Backbone
HTML Forms in AngularJS
HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
Using Handlebars Templates with Webix UI
Slush - replacing Yeoman with Gulp


Revisiting JavaScript Minification - we’re all doing this, right?

Plugins & Libraries

A simple, responsive, customizable and probably useless jQuery menu plugin
jsCache - a javascript library that enables caching of javascripts, css-stylesheets and images
doormat - an alternative way to navigate through your site content
obelisk.js - a JavaScript Engine for building isometric pixel objects
Gator: Simple JavaScript event delegation


Style guide - The Zen Approach
16 Online JavaScript Editors for Web Developers
Quickly check how well 3rd party script behaves.
The 101 Most Useful Websites
bladerunner.js - an open source development toolkit and framework for modular construction of large single-page HTML5 apps
Vega - a visualization grammar, a declarative format for creating, saving and sharing visualization designs

So what are your thoughts on the latest going-ons in the world of JavaScript? Are you minifying your JavaScript and caching your assets? Are frameworks the spawn of the devil or a godsend for developers?
We’d be glad to hear your opinions.

Please PM us if you have anything of interest for the next issue, and happy reading! - Paul & [URL=“”]Pullo