Thoughts on business name

Hi guys,

I’ve been pondering a name for my business for sometime now.
I believe I have found one that I like, but I want some general impressions from people.

The business is focused on web design and development:

Cloudfire - Website and Application Development

As a web development company, I imagine you will need a domain. Presently, search engines put some weight on domain names. Although it’s snappy, Cloudfire will be difficult to get indexed for keywords that are crucial to the success of your business.

If you’re stuck on Cloudfire, then consider something like Cloudfire Studios that at least has a hint of what you do in your business name. Even so, there are other types of design studios, photography studios, and movie studios. You are putting yourself under the gun before you have approached the start line.

You will need to work extra hard on marketing and branding. Think total content optimization, social media marketing, advertising programs, Press releases, link building and more.

Just my two cents.

Cloudfire sounds OK, but it does feel a bit fluffy (in that it doesn’t have inherent meaning too it), it almost sounds like you decided to patch a couple of words together with very remote links to computing. You want to ensure that the name you go with is available as a domain but for the brand itself, but you also want something that actually has some meaning behind it, otherwise it’s just a random term that most people are unlikely to get any connection too when they visit your site. I’ve always been of the opinion that the best names show a bit more “smarts” than to just think of what sounds cool over what’s going to best represent your brand. :slight_smile: