Time and Dates

After much fiddling and bashing I finally managed to get this

SELECT TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(AVG(unix_timestamp(col1)-unix_timestamp(col2))),'%Hh:%im') AS avg

Took me all night to work it out and to craft that little beauty but it works great and spits out figures like this:
02h:13m brilliant… but after let’s say an average duration of 72 hours the numbers start to get a little unweildy. So, I’d like to be able to get this type format - 3d: 04h: 17m
I’ve already tried DATE_FORMAT with unix_timestamp and timestamp but that gives huge day figures… Still scratching my head and wondering if its possible…
Anyone out there that can point me in the right direction?

thanks for the challenge, this was fun –

[code]CREATE TABLE 2datetimes
( datetime1 datetime
, datetime2 datetime
INSERT INTO 2datetimes (datetime1,datetime2) VALUES
( ‘2015-01-01 09:37’ , ‘2015-02-01 14:44’)
,( ‘2014-01-01 09:37’ , ‘2015-01-01 14:44’)
,( ‘2015-08-01 09:37’ , ‘2015-08-01 14:44’)
,( ‘2015-08-01 09:37’ , ‘2015-08-02 14:44’)
,( ‘2015-08-01 09:37’ , ‘2015-08-01 10:36’)
,( ‘2015-08-01 09:37’ , ‘2015-08-01 10:44’)
,( ‘2015-08-01 09:37:00’ , ‘2015-08-01 9:37:01’)
,( ‘2015-08-01 09:37:03’ , ‘2015-08-01 9:38:02’)

CASE WHEN days = 0
WHEN days = 1
THEN ‘1 day ’
ELSE CONCAT(’‘,days,’ days ‘)
, CASE WHEN hrs = 0
WHEN hrs = 1
THEN ‘1 hr ’
ELSE CONCAT(’’,hrs,’ hrs ‘)
, CASE WHEN ROUND(mins) = 1
THEN ‘1 min’
ELSE CONCAT(’‘,ROUND(mins),’ mins’)
) AS result
, diff1/3600 AS diff2
, floor(diff1/3600) AS hrs
, ( diff1/3600 - floor(diff1/3600) )60 AS mins
, days
86400 AS daysecs
, secs - days*86400 AS diff1
SELECT datetime1
, datetime2
, datediff(datetime2,datetime1) AS days
, unix_timestamp(datetime2)-unix_timestamp(datetime1) AS secs
FROM 2datetimes
) AS q1
) AS q2
) AS q3[/code]

@r937 Well I really don’t know how you do it but bravo once again… All makes perfect sense what you’ve done and surprisingly I actually understand it…lol
With a spoonful of experience my biggest challenge was jeust getting my head around it…
Thanks again r937 for coming to the rescue once more… hoorah… long live Coronation Street

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